Squatters on George Washington’s Land — Pennsylvania and Virginia’s Overlapping Colonial Land Claims

Greater Richmond Convention Center 403 N 3rd St., Richmond, VA, United States

National Genealogical Society Conference Session Number: F204 Long before significant settlement occurred in present-day western Pennsylvania, the French, British, and Native Americans claimed the land west of the Allegheny Mountains. Even among the British, boundary disputes between Pennsylvania and Virginia lasted until 1780, affecting settlers in the modern Pennsylvania counties of Greene, Fayette, Washington, Westmoreland, and

He Wasn’t a Captain! Strategies to Correct Myths and Mistakes Using Modern Methods

Greater Richmond Convention Center 403 N 3rd St., Richmond, VA, United States

National Genealogy Society Conference Session Number: S348 Genealogists frequently encounter myths and mistakes during research, often without even realizing it. In the digital age, it is especially easy for incorrect information to proliferate. From conflated records for same-named people to records created intentionally to mislead, responsible genealogists must do their best to identify incorrect information and

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